Wednesday 10 December 2008

A Bit of Moral Outrage

There is not a very good reason for my absence these past few months. It is not that I haven't had anything to moan about... Well the thing is, the things I moan about were keeping me busy. Homework, etc. Also I have been working towards the piano exam which I did last week, and frantically knitting and crocheting absolutely everybody's Christmas presents. So you see I am a very busy person. And now that some more moral outrage has come along, well of course I have to talk about it.

Did I ever talk about GCSEs? I don’t think I did. Well, let me fill you in. At my school, you have to do the core subjects for GCSE: English, science, maths, I.T., R.E. and CoPE. Some of them are OCR but it doesn’t really matter. We also have to do P.E., but not as a GCSE. (I love the way they all say, ‘oh, it’s so great when you get to year 10 because you have so much choice about everything, you get to choose the subjects you want to do and you spend so much more time on everything’. Ha.) As well as these, you are allowed to pick four extra subjects which you would like to continue studying. I had a lot of trouble with this because I was going to choose art, drama, French and history but changed almost at the last minute to music, drama, French and history. I don’t regret it but I did really, really want to do art. I keep saying I wish I could drop science and do art instead...

Which, in a very roundabout way, brings me back to my original subject.

Today our (most lovely and, thankfully, also outraged) history teacher told us that because our school is a SPECIALIST BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE school, oh wonderful isn’t that fabulous, blah blah blah, we the present year tens are the last year who will have four extra options and who will not have to take BUSINESS STUDIES. Oh joy, oh hallelujah. What wonderful news. After all, what student does not wish to be forced to take business studies rather than art, or drama, or, say... history?

And after all, what student would not wish to also take TRIPLE SCIENCE if they achieve a level 6 or 7 in year nine? Yes, that’s going to happen too. Yippee. It’s not as if it cuts into our extra subjects at all... and it’s not like we don’t already have science more than any other lesson, even those of us taking double science.

So, with triple science and business studies as compulsory subjects, how many extra choices do we have? I think you can count.

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